Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sicilian Phrasebook
Sicilian Phrasebook GREETINGS Bon giornu. Bona sira.Good evening. Bona notti.Good night. Addiu.Good-bye. Comu si senti?How are you? Bonu, grazii, e Lei?Fine, thanks, and you? Unn cà ¨ mali.Not bad. Piaciri di canuscirvi.Pleased to meet you. GETTING ALONG Parra inglisi? Iu unn parru sicilianu.I do not speak Sicilian. Ma capisciu si parra chià ¹ lentamenti.But Ill understand if you speak more slowly. Mi capisci si parru inglisi?Do you understand me if I speak English? Cà ¨ nessunu cca ca parra inglisi?Does anyone speak English here? Comu si dici in sicilianu...?How do you say in Sicilian...? ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Mi po diri comu si va a ...? Quantu si ci metta a [town name] di cca?How far is [town name] from here? Quantu si ci metti in machina?How long does it take by car? Mi po mustrari na carta unna mi trovu?Can you show me on the map where I am? Gira sinistra.Turn left. Gira destra.Turn right. Jiti rittu rittu.Go straight ahead. Faciti un giru cumpletu.Make a U-turn. Jiti à ´ primincruciamentu.Go to the first intersection. Unn à ¨ luntanu.Its not far. ÃË vicinu.Its nearby. Si ci metti cincu minuti a pedi.Its a five-minute walk. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION Pi favuri, unna à ¨ u benzinaiu u chià ¹ vicinu? Pi favuri, mi metta deci litri di benzina.Ten liters of gas, please. Mi volcontrollar a pressioni dà ® gummi?Would you check the tire pressure? Unna pozzu parcheggiari?Where can I park? Cà ¨ un parcheggiu ca vicinu?Is there a parking lot nearby? ÃË un parcheggiu liberu?Is this a free parking lot? ON THE BUS Quali autobus devu prenniri pi jiri à ¢ Quattru Canti? Unna à ¨ a firmata?Where is the bus stop? ÃË chistu lautobus pi San Fratellu?Is this the rigth bus for San Fratello? Un biglettu, pir favuri.One ticket, please. Devu scinniri a...I have to get off at... Mi po diri unna devu scinniri?Can you tell me where to get off? AT THE TRAIN STATION Quannu à ¨ u prossimu trenu pi Missina? Vogghiu un bigliettu di andata e ritornu.Id like a round-trip ticket. Un bigliettu sulu di andata.One-way ticket, please. Un bigliettu di prima classi, pi favuri.First class, please. A chi ura arriva u trenu di...?At what time does the train arrive from...? Chi à ¨ direttu o espressu?Is it a local or an express? Mi po dari un orariu?May I have a timetable? Da quali binariu parti u trenu?From what platform does it leave? U trenu parti dà ´ binariu...The train leaves from platform... U trenu pir Catania parti a...The train for Catania leaves at... ÃË trenu cu prinotazzioni ubbligatoria.You need a reservation for this train. FOOD AND DRINK agneddu antipastu mistumixed antipasto baccalarudry salted cod bivannidrinks calamarisquid cicirichickpeas ducisweets fasolibeans panibread pipipepper pumudamuritomatoes sasizzasausage u primufirst course u secunnusecond course vinu biancuwhite wine vinu russured wine SHOPPING Comu Le pozzu sirviri? Vogghiu sulu dar un occhiata.I just want to have a look. Vogghiaccattarun capeddu.Id like to buy a hat. Unna à ¨ u camerinu?Where is the fitting room? Pozzu cangiari na vota accattatu?May I return this? Faciti anchi modifichi cca?Do you make alterations here? Pozzu pagari cà ¢ carta di creditu?Can I pay with my credit card? Non accettamu carti di creditu, sulu contanti.We do not accept credit cards, only cash. Mi poincartari u me acquistu in pacchettu regalu?Can you gift-wrap my purchase? Tuttu ntà ´ negozziu à ¨ in saldu.Every item in the store is on sale. ÃË troppu granni / nicu / lungu / curtu.Its too large / small / long / short. SERVICES Mi po puliri sti cammisi, pir favuri? Quannu sarannu pronti i causi?When are the pants going to be ready? Mi bisogninu pi sabatu.I need them by Saturday. Devu pagari ora o quannu i vegnu a ritirari?Should I pay now or when I come to pick them up? Eccu a so ricevuta.Here is your receipt. Vulissi tagghiari i capiddi.I would like a haircut. Vulissi un tagghiu curtu.I would like my hair short. Vulissi sulu na spuntata.I would like my hair trimmed. Faciti anchi massaggi cca?Do you also do massages? MONEY Unna à ¨ a banca a chià ¹ vicina? Quannu apri / chiudi a banca?When does the bank open / close? Unna pozzu truvari un Bancomat?Where can I find an ATM? A quantu sta u dollaru oggi?How much is the dollar today? Chi tassa ci mittiti sà » cambiu esteru?What is your fee on currency exchange? Accitati carti di creditu?Do you accept credit cards? AT THE BEACH Unna pozzu affitari una sdraia? A chi ura devu ristituiri a sdraia?At what time shall I return the deck chair? Chi voli diri a bannera russa?What does the red flag mean? Quantu pozzu natari a largu?How far am I allowed to swim here? Unna pozzu accattari na buttighia dacqua nta spiaggia?Where can I buy a bottle of water on the beach? ÃË chista na spiaggia pubblica?Is this a public beach? HEALTH Pozzu vidiri un dutturi, pi favuri? Chiamati lambulanza!Call an ambulance! Unn mi sentu bonu.I dont feel well. Mi sentu malatu.I feel sick. Mi fa mali a testa.I have a headache. Mi fa mali a panza.I have a stomachache. Haiu un allergia.I have an allergy. Cercu na farmacia.I am looking for a pharmacy. Mi po diri unna à ¨ a farmacia chià ¹ vicina?Where is the nearest pharmacy, please? Devu pigghiari sta pinnula cu acqua?Should I take this pill with water? EMERGENCIES Latru! Aiutu!Help! Lassami in paci!Leave me alone! Vattinni!Go away! Mi scipparu a cullana!They snatched my necklace! Haiu bisognu di un interpetri.I need an interpreter. Cà ¨ un dutturi cca?Is there a doctor here? Focu!Fire! Chiamati i pomperi!Call the firemen! MEASURES centimetru chilometrukilometer chilukilo litruliter metrumeter DAYS OF THE WEEK luneddà ¬ marteddà ¬Tuesday mercoleddà ¬Wednesday gioveddà ¬Thursday venerddà ¬Friday sabbatuSaturday duminicaSunday MONTHS OF THE YEAR jinnaru fivraruFebruary marzuMarch apriliApril maggiuMay giugnuJune lugliuJuly agustuAugust settembriSeptember ottubbriOctober novembriNovember dicembriDecember TIME Chi ura à ¨? ÃË luna.It is one oclock. Sunu id dui.It is two oclock. Sunu i dui e menzu.It is two-thirty. Sunu i dui menu un quartu.It is a quarter to two. THE FOUR SEASONS primavera estatisummer autunnuautumn invernuwinter THE WEATHER Chi tempu fa? Fa friddu oggi.Today it is cold. Fa cauru.Its warm. Chiovi.Its raining. ÃË na bedda jurnata.Its a gorgeous day. Nun chiovi, ma fa ventu.Its not raining, but it is windy. ÃË nuvulusu.Its cloudy. Quanti gradi fa fora?How many degrees is it outside? Rumani ci sar una timpesta.Tomorrow there will be a thunderstorm.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Diploma is not a Degree
A Diploma is not a Degree A Diploma is not a Degree A Diploma is not a Degree By Maeve Maddox The word degree has many meanings, but in academic terms, it refers to a certification awarded at the university level. The B.A. degree (Bachelor of Arts), for example, is awarded upon completion of a four-year program of study requiring a specified minimum of credits. An M.A. degree (Master of Arts) requires two or more years of study beyond the B.A. and carries with it the passing of certain examinations and, usually, the completion of a thesis or other research project. The Ph.D. degree (Doctor of Philosophy) requires several more years of study, examinations, and research projects beyond the M.A. In addition to the degrees awarded by four-year institutions of higher learning, community colleges offer the Associate Degree upon completion of two years of study beyond high school. A diploma, on the other hand, is a document testifying to the completion of a course of study. Any graduate, whether of a university, a high school, or a six-week course in Spanish, will receive a diploma. High schools issue diplomas and certificates of attendance, but they do not award degrees. To describe a person as having a high school degree is an error of fact as well as one of diction. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Free writing journal - Essay Example Connieââ¬â¢s attempt to become a young sexy woman attracted the eyes of Arthur Friend. And when he approached her at home, she got scared because he was not the young man he told her to be. Also, his calm voice and coaxing seemed to be too powerful for Connie. And when he told her that he will harm his family, Connieââ¬â¢s terror led her to come out of the house and go to him. Oates created a clear picture of one possible scenario of teenagerââ¬â¢s fun gone wrong. Instead of just giving her the excitement of a secret life, her attempt to look and become a more mature and sexy woman led her to harmââ¬â¢s way. This story was in not just a good read for adolescents but it was also a lesson. It may be fiction but it can be real for some teenagers. It evokes images of violence, even rape. Though there were no explicit statements that indicated there was violence or crime that happened, the images that Oates described seemed to suggest that there was something that happened to Connie, something terrifying. It might have been in her mind only but it suggested that her encounter with Friend destroyed her attempt to delineate her two different sides. The story left us with the lesson that adolescents, same as Connieââ¬â¢s age, need proper guidance to prevent them from going down the wrong
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cognitive Framing Theory and Spiral or Silence Research Paper - 1
Cognitive Framing Theory and Spiral or Silence - Research Paper Example The thinking and all that matters in talking does involve framing. This is the basis of cognitive framing theory. According to Lakoff (2010), a single word defines not only the word, but it activates the frames by defining much about the system that is in it. However, frames do not work in solitude but they have a direct connection to all part of the brain including the emotional regions (Lakoff, 2010). This explains why people have different taste to different circumstances. The workings of the frame make it possible for some people to like football while other dislikes the same. Thus, it is how best a frame is internalized that explains the behaviors of individuals and emotional reactions to their surroundings. The political scene is one good example where systems of frames are vehemently used. Members of political parties share the political ideologies, and they all adhere to this course. Therefore, politician uses a language that point to specific ideological systems. The process they go through whether in party fundraising or conventional nomination informs their subconscious of the principle that they defend. The development of this political ideology frames explains the subsequent behaviors. Cognitive framing theory also argues that ideological language becomes a normal language as it unconsciously activates the brain of the ideas. Therefore, people cannot avoid framing, and they can only be strengthened or weakened. There are different frames and individual choose among the many in any given situation. Moreover, there are limited ways of changing frames. The thing that a person has made cognates in the brain can only relate to news set of frames that relate to the existing systems of frames (Lakoff, 2010). The changes need to be emotional and introduced through a communication system that must be sufficient, repetitive, and full of trust for the messengers. Negating frames tend to activate
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Economic Implications on Social Media Essay Example for Free
Economic Implications on Social Media Essay The developments in the information technology sector have led to facilitation in information sharing across the globe in what has been referred to as social media. The internet has brought many changes in the way individuals across the world interact. Through the use of social media, individuals are able to exchange photographs, videos, post their thoughts on blogs and take part in discussions that takes lace online. Social media allows the people, organizations, companies and governments to be able to reach large numbers of people with a lot of ease. This paper shall give an overview of how the social media has impacted on the economic domain of development in the society by analyzing both the positive and the negative impacts. Social Media: Social media refers to the various internet based and mobile services which allows the user to take part in online exchanges, contributing user-created content and being able to join the online community. It also refers to the tools and technologies that enable an online interaction, networking, sharing and collaboration. There are various services internet services that are usually associated with social media which includes blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, social network sites, status updates services, virtual word content and media sharing site (Dewing, 2010). Blogs is a short form of ââ¬Ëweb logââ¬â¢ which can be described as an online journal in which pages are put on view in an overturned chronological order. The blogs can be hosted for free on various websites including WordPress and Blogger among others. Wikis on the other hand refers to collective websites in which anyone participating can modify the pages or create their new pages using a Web browser. A good example of a wiki is the Wikipedia which is a free online encyclopedia that utilizes the wiki technology. Social bookmarking sites are those sites which allow the users to share and organize links to websites for instance the Delicious, Digg, and Reddit. Social network sites are the web-based services which enables the individuals to build a public or semi-public profile in a delimited system. The individuals are also able to articulate a list of other users whom they share connection thus being able to navigate through and view their list of connections and those of others in the system. Such sites include Facebook, MySpace, and Windows Live Spaces amongst others (Dewing, 2010). Status-update services are also referred to as micro-blogging services are more like social network sites but they allow individuals to share short updates and also be able to view updates from others. A good example is the twitter services. Virtual world content on the other hand offers a game-like virtual environment for the users to interact. A good example of this would be the imaginary world that is created in Second Life whereby users can create avatars to interact with each other. Avatars are the virtual representations of the users. Mediaââ¬âsharing sites are those which enable the users to post videos or photographs for instance the You Tube and Flickr. It must be noted that some of these categories do overlap for instance twitter can be regarded as both a social network site as well as a stats update service (Dewing, 2010). Social media is capable of affecting the manner in which individuals interact online. Social media is known to open up new ways for cooperation and dialogue in todayââ¬â¢s world. Most of the content posted in social media may remain there permanently at least by default. The content may also be accessible, replicable, and searchable. Social media can therefore be used anywhere, and at any moment provided that there is internet connectivity in the area. Such factors are responsible for shaping of the dynamics of the social media. The fact that the players in the social media are usually invisible raises various questions regarding the framework, correctness and unambiguousness regarding the communication. The identity and motives of those who post contents in the social media are not always clear (Dewing, 2010). Evolution of Social Media: The internet became popular in the last two decades and web sites which allowed individuals to create and upload content started appearing with the first network site said to have appeared in 1997 for the first time. The first social network site to be launched was called ââ¬ËSixDegrees. comââ¬â¢ and it was followed soon by many others at the turn of the millennium. In 2002, there was an upsurge in the number of social network sites with some surging to popularity only to fade in a little while such as the Friendstar. However, others were able to develop niche communities for instance MySpace appealed to adolescent music enthusiasts (Dewing, 2010). Towards the end of the first decade of the second millennium, social media was widely accepted, for instance; by the year 2009, Facebook made the announcement that its users were well over 350 million worldwide (Dewing, 2010). There are a number of factors that have led to a surge in the social media participation which include technological factors, social factors and economic factors. Technological factors include things such as readily available broadband, improvement in software tools, and the development of more powerful computer and mobile services. Social factors on the other hand include the rapid uptake of social media by the young generation while the economic factors include the growth in commercial interests in the social media sites and affordability of computers and related software (Dewing, 2010). Impacts of Social Media: Since the widespread usage of social media is a recent phenomenon, social and economic implications can only be barely understood. Some quarters hold the belief that social media is causing isolation amongst the people whereas others believe that social media has broaden democratic participation. According to a research conducted by statistics Canada; We should expect neither a dysfunctional society of loners nor a blissful society of happy net-workers. Rather, we are facing a society that is differently cohesive from the one we have known. There do not appear to be any significant differences in the number of social ties or in the amount of social interaction between Internet users and non-users. Instead, the Internet is providing ways of fostering participation with community members and enhancing relationships, including through social media (Dewing, 2010, para 10). Social media has also had economic impacts in regard to the manner in which what is contained in the social media is created and consumed. This can be summed up to the growth in the information and communication sector of the economy. In most economies, growth in this sector of the economy has been tremendous even surpassing the overall economic growth. Many business firms and organizations have also incorporated social media in their marketing strategies (Dewing, 2010). Socio-economic Impacts: The socioeconomic theory appears to be spearheading the deflationary cycle more than the financial or the political economics. Previously, the Keynesian and libertarian theories were believed to be the key players in the deflationary cycle. According to the socio-economic theories, it is claimed that in order for us to get out of the deflationary cycle, there is need to view it as both a sociological and fiscal problem. The solution is therefore to be found in the ground-breaking technology which promises huge profits to be used in investment so as to commence the next boom cycle, and snap the society out of the predicament created by the economic downturn. Social media could play a role in mitigating the damages that arise from the deflationary cycle. It could also be instrumental in the construction of the next opportunities for technological innovations (Fischer, 2009). Understanding the objective economic potential is very crucial and dependant on the revolution of the social media. Social media is known to utilize technology in enhancing the peopleââ¬â¢s ability to interact with others. Social media is to be found in interaction, connection, trust and relations that are driven by technology. In regard to business, this implies establishment of trust and channels of communication which supports and enables collaboration and building of engaged teams through the removal of barriers and frustrations that were created by conventional structures. Social media particularly in regard to collaboration has the potential to unlock the hidden knowledge in organizations when required. It also lowers the cost of software via open source cooperation, easing the finding of appropriate information, and making organizations to be more responsive. These are however cultural changes that occurs gradually. Nevertheless, the promise for change is there even though it might take much longer time. However, the technological investment that is required to bring about these changes is quite cheaply available (Fischer, 2009). With social media, change is bound to happen. Social media has the prospects of creating more effective organizations via the collaboration, ââ¬Å"providing a greater variety of information services at low cost through mashups and open source, and a lower cost to product and service messaging, when the product and service has great appealâ⬠(Fischer, 2009, para 7). Similarly, social media has detrimental impacts on the established industries. The conventional advertising media has become decreasingly effective due to the increasing numbers of the individuals who are networked and therefore attentive to one another. It is imperative to observe that; Friend of a friend referrals, rating sites or consumer oriented websites will become the norm and rely on their objectivity to maintain trust with their followers, therefore are not as subject to trying to manipulate their audience based on the promise of big advertising revenue (Fischer, 2009, para 8). There is no doubt that manipulation is part of the social media practice though the ability for any individual to broadcast and gain audience to the large network in the social media indicates that it is not an easy task and it is destined to be the exception and not the norm in the long run (Fischer, 2009). The distribution of retail products may also come to the forefront due to the social media influence. Due to the fact that e-commerce has been enhanced in the recent past owing to a revolution in the social media, some social observations have been made in regard to marketing trends for instance, there has been a relation drawn between the trends on how particular products are moved in the market. Such observations may be observed as ââ¬Ëindividuals who bought product X also bought product Yââ¬â¢. Large business organizations may also offer lower prices and utilize the social media to achieve the personal touch, a domain previously associated with small business organizations. This has been geared towards the ââ¬Ëcommodizationââ¬â¢ of products that are produced on a large scale and the futuristic markets with the chances of realizing massive profits. The markets of the future are said to be niche markets that would require subject matter expertise and customization (Fischer, 2009). The gains of the social media in economic venture may be offset by the unsettling role associated with it in the conventional industries. In the past, any technological changes would result in obvious and simple routes to massive increases in the production and demand. However, with the social media, increase in productivity and demand over a short time is not palpable due to the fact that it requires cultural changes together with the technological transformations. Eventually, as the cultural changes are realized over time, massive increases in the production may be realized; however, in the short term social media can not be used to provide an obvious path for investment capable of leading to gains in effectiveness and productivity (Fischer, 2009). There is this argument that tightly knit society has the capability to survive economic stress better compared to a loosely knit society. Social media ensures that the world is woven in complex interactions and also offers individuals with something to do when they are not involved in an economic activity. This is motivated by what can be referred to as ââ¬Ëreputation economicsââ¬â¢ which is designed to motivate individuals to engage in activities such as creating open source software, report on events, and many more information services that would have required individuals to pay for before the advent of the internet. This allows for rich content and growth of valuable products to be carried out devoid of investment and yet with returns for instance a ââ¬Å"business entity that hosts their websites on Linux servers or uses open office to create and manage documentsâ⬠(Fischer, 2009, para 9). To add on the long term effectiveness of the social media which include the creation of complex systems like an operating system at relatively low cost; it could also enable the development of new innovations presenting a clear path that shall increase production and demand. The deflationary cycle that is predicted by the socio-economic theories could only be shortened if only we are able to find out the kind of innovation required and be able to bring it more quickly (Fischer, 2009). Social media is said to provide revenue to both the users and platforms. It has to be noted that social media better known as social computing is a driver for competitiveness. The effects of social computing may be seen on the industry itself for instance, the development in the social media or the information and communication technology sector. It can also be observed in other industries that uses the social computing. There is evidence that ââ¬Å"more targeted marketing and user research which are reliant on user profiles and content interest are opening new channels to marketsâ⬠(Pascu, 2008, para 11). There are emergent employment possibilities vial social networks and new opportunities to utilize user innovations in developing the products or as an intermediate between organizations and consumers (Pascu, 2008). The impact of social media can not be wished away as insignificant. This is because, faced with the modern reality where social media provides a platform for the consumers, competitors and the market place to discuss products, services and employees. All this is carried out online ââ¬Å"whether its a protest group on Facebook (United Airlines Sucks! ), a persistent hashtag on Twitter (#attfail) or just a meme that travels from blogger to Bloggerâ⬠(Taylor, 2009, para 5). At this juncture, it does not matter as to whether it is of importance to probe into the social networks. What is of importance is whether one is paying attention to the social media where the message has gone to. This means that the customer to the company products is the one to define the brand in the market. This is quite challenging as it means that those organizations with acceptable products are bound to be reap benefits even with minimum branding and marketing strategies whereas those companies that are considered bad by the customers are destined to suffer from a bad reputation even when they spent more money to advertise themselves and try to position themselves as market leaders (Taylor, 2009). It is therefore important for organizations to take time and monitor what is going on in the social media. There are various services at the disposal of whoever would like to monitor the social media which include the individual services such as ââ¬ËSearch. twitter. comââ¬â¢ and more complicated ones such as ââ¬ËFiltrboxââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËRadian 6ââ¬â¢. For successful business undertaking, there is need for organizations to embrace the social media which provides an avenue to engage with the customers. Interaction on the social media with the customers is crucial and thus joining these sites for creating new bully pulpits for the organizationââ¬â¢s marketing and sales messages without proper interaction with the customers is not commendable (Taylor, 2009). The organizations can not be isolated from the social media as they create a powerful impression with the capability of having a lasting impact that may prove to be hard to change. Accompany with a bad reputation might score poorly even with spirited advertisement due to evaluations that are obtained from the social media. It is therefore important to address the problems that are affecting the organizations one by one rather than spending huge sums of money in advertising the products (Chong, 2010). Conclusion: Social media has been a new discovery in the information and communication sector and that its impacts on the economic development are worthy noting. The economic impacts of social media are two fold and may bring positive results or negative results to a business organization. With social media, the consumers of the company products are able to talk about the products, services and competitors and definitely such discussions are to impact on the business entity either for better or for worse. Social media can therefore have far reaching repercussions on the business organizations in terms of profitability. Reference: Chong, S. , (2010). Nothing Can save Negative Buzz on Twitter. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. penn-olson. com/2010/07/02/nothing-can-save-negative-buzz-on-twitter/. Dewing, M. , (2010). Social Media: 1. An Introduction. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www2. parl. gc. ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/2010-03-e. htm. Fischer, K. , (2009). Exploring the economic impact of social media. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. web20blog. org/2009/03/24/exploring-the-economic-impact-of-social-media/. Pascu, C. , (2008). ERoSC-The Socio-economic Impact of Emerging Social Computing Applications. Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://docs. google. com/viewer? a=vq=cache:dHneLXVRkYgJ:www. foresight-network. eu/index. php%3Foption%3Dcom_docman%26task%3Ddoc_view%26gid%3D352+Economic+Implications+on+Social+Mediahl=engl=kepid=blsrcid=ADGEEShixNJSG5ddAxmDsp3_H0NmsZ-LetSdSeKnGykkb0y_4ruRrW-EstMaeGHfs16v1u66MJlBbpW-WIgVRxtCabedvJWeojTeW4mfj7Z70xD-y31hAWGz7VhQwakzAylysKUUV0NNsig=AHIEtbRbStc-eBG_GjfGNgsEL-OmZ0oP8g Taylor, D. , (2009). Whats the impact of social media on business growth? Retrieved on 26th July 2010 from; http://www. intuitive. com/blog/impact_of_social_media_twitter_facebook_business_growth. html
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Human Brain :: essays research papers
INTRODUCTION The human body is divided into many different parts called organs. All of the parts are controlled by an organ called the brain, which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2. 75 pounds, and has a whitish-pink appearance. The brain is made up of many cells, and is the control centre of the body. The brain flashes messages out to all the other parts of the body. The messages travel in very fine threads called nerves. The nerves and the brain make up a system somewhat like telephone poles carrying wires across the city. This is called the nervous system. The nerves in the body don't just send messages from the brain to the organs, but also send messages from the eyes, ears, skin and other organs back to your brain. Some nerves are linked directly to the brain. Others have to reach the brain through a sort of power line down the back, called the spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The brain doesn't just control your organs, but also can think and remember. That part of the brain is called the mind. PROTECTING THE BRAIN Twenty-eight bones make up the skull. Eight of these bones are interlocking plates. These plates form the cranium. The cranium provides maximum protection with minimum weight, the ideal combination. The other twenty bones make up the face, jaw and other parts of the skull. Another way the brain keeps it self safe is by keeping itself in liquid. Nearly one fifth of the blood pumped by the heart is sent to the brain. The brain then sends the blood through an intricate network of blood vessels to where the blood is needed. Specialized blood vessels called choroid plexuses produce a protective cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid is what the brain literally floats in. A third protective measure taken by the brain is called the blood brain barrier. This barrier consists of a network of unique capillaries. These capillaries are filters for harmful chemicals carried by the blood, but do allow oxygen, water and glucose to enter the brain. THE DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE BRAIN The brain is divided into three main sections. The area at the front of the brain is the largest. Most of it is known as the cerebrum. It controls all of the movements that you have to think about, thought and memory.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Is Elizabeth Bennet the ââ¬Ëperfect heroineââ¬â¢? Essay
Jane Austen wrote in a letter that she found Elizabeth Bennet to be ââ¬Ëas delightful a creature as ever appeared in printââ¬â¢. Is Elizabeth the ââ¬Ëperfect heroineââ¬â¢? Look at her character and its development throughout the novel to account for her appeal. Elizabeth is the second of Mr. and Mrs. Bennetââ¬â¢s five daughters. She is her fatherââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"favorite childâ⬠because she has ââ¬Ësomething more of quickness than her sistersââ¬â¢. Despite this, in her motherââ¬â¢s eyes ââ¬Ëshe is not a bit better than the othersâ⬠¦She is not half so handsome as Jane, nor so good humored as Lydiaââ¬â¢. As the book is written mainly from Elizabethââ¬â¢s point of view, we know little of her physical appearance. Darcyââ¬â¢s admiration of her fine eyes is a constant source of teasing for Caroline Bingley. ââ¬Å"I am afraidâ⬠¦ that this adventure has rather affected your admiration of her fine eyesâ⬠. We are also told that ââ¬Ëshe was a reputed beautyââ¬â¢ in Hertfordshire and that Colonel Fitzwilliam admires Mrs. Collinsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëpretty young friendââ¬â¢. At the start of the book, Lizzy is described as having a ââ¬Ëlively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculousââ¬â¢. She admits to finding diversion in ââ¬Ëfollies and nonsense, whims and inconsistenciesââ¬â¢. Towards the end of the novel, she believes that: ââ¬Å"by her ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softenedâ⬠Her refusal to forgive Mr. Darcy after he has snubbed her at the ball shows her to be proud; ââ¬Å"I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.â⬠She is determined; ââ¬Å"â⬠. . Lizzy always speaks her mind, illustrating her ability to think for herself; ââ¬Å"I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at you knowing any.â⬠It this mixture of frankness, belief in her own opinions and playfulness; ââ¬Å"Elizabethââ¬â¢s spirits soon rising to playfulness againâ⬠that makes her such a real person and an independent young woman. She also knows how to use sarcasm; ââ¬Å"Mr. Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr. Bingley, and takes a prodigious deal of care of him.â⬠Lizzy is very perceptive, having ââ¬Ëquickness of observationââ¬â¢. When Darcy and Wickham first meet in Meryton, she notices ââ¬Ëthe countenance of both as they looked at each otherââ¬â¢. This quickness also leads her to see through the attentions of the Bingley sisters; â⬠they were in fact very fine ladies; not deficient in good humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it, but proud and conceitedâ⬠Lizzyââ¬â¢s perceptiveness at the start of the book has a great bearing on the end because it sometimes leads her to judge too quickly and jump to conclusions. Her opinion of Wickham was ill founded and derived from this tendency; ââ¬Å"His countenance, voice, and manner, had established him at once in the possession of every virtue.â⬠Elizabethââ¬â¢s opinion of Wickham was also influenced by her prejudice against Mr. Darcy. When Wickham fails to attend the ball at Netherfield, Elizabeth immediately attributes this to ââ¬Å"his being purposely omitted for Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s pleasure in the Bingleyââ¬â¢s invitationâ⬠. On hearing a different reason for his absence, and at a suggestion from Denny; ââ¬Å"It assured her that Darcy was not less answerable than if her first surmise had been justâ⬠. It isnââ¬â¢t until this ball scene that we see the full extent of Lizzyââ¬â¢s prejudice against Darcy. She declares that ââ¬Å"Attention, forbearence, patience with Darcy was injury to Wickhamâ⬠. In a conversation with Charlotte Lucas, Lizzy exclaims; ââ¬Å"To find a man agreeable whom one is determined to hate!â⬠This quote is very significant as it shows that no matter what Darcy did, Lizzy would be prejudiced against him. Evidently Lizzyââ¬â¢s prejudice has overcome her common sense. This is a highly uncommon characteristic for an author to bestow on her heroine, for it shows very clearly that this is a real girl and by no means a model young lady as most heroines are. While dancing with Darcy at Netherfield, Lizzy ventures to say; ââ¬Å"It is particularly incumbent on those who never change their opinion, to be sure of judging properly at firstâ⬠This later proves to be ironic, as it is she, not Darcy who had jumped to conclusions therefore, proving that she had judged incorrectly at first. Once Elizabeth has an opinion of a person, it takes a lot to change it. She only achieves this after receiving the letter from Darcy. Despite her faults, Lizzy is not afraid to admit them and own that she was wrong; ââ¬Å"She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.â⬠As well as being able to admit her mistakes, Lizzy has great honesty of mind. She has great self-belief but doesnââ¬â¢t try and delude herself; ââ¬Å"The justice of the charge struck her too forcibly for denialâ⬠. As well as being honest with her self, she is honest with other people; ââ¬Å"You know enough of my frankness to believe me capable of thatâ⬠Throughout most of the book, Lizzy is prejudiced. This is where the ââ¬Ëprejudiceââ¬â¢ in the title stems from; ââ¬Å"with a strong prejudice against anything he might sayâ⬠And ââ¬Å"to find a man agreeable, who one is determined to hateâ⬠. It is not until she reads Darcyââ¬â¢s letter that Lizzy realises her error. She blames her prejudice on the fact that she was ââ¬Ëoffended by the neglect of the otherââ¬â¢ (meaning Darcy). It is clear by the end of the book, that she has learnt her lesson and will think before forming opinions about people in the future; ââ¬Å"We have both reason to think my opinions not entirely unalterableâ⬠. Elizabeth has a reality about her, which is strong enough to make you believe that this person could have actually lived. She is not perfect and makes the same mistakes that anyone could, but learns from them at the same time. I think it is this and that she is such a model for the feminists of today that makes her such a charmingly different romantic heroine. It is that she is so unlike the majority of romantic heroines that must be held accountable for her appeal. It is the fact that she isnââ¬â¢t a perfect person, she is only the second prettiest in the Bennet family, which makes her so different from many of the stereotypical heroines, who are calm, passive, quiet, peaceful and vulnerable. She has survived time and, although set in the early eighteenth century, she gives you the feeling that as a person, Elizabeth Bennet would be just as at home in the year 2000. She is full of energy, witty, confident and independently minded, making her an ideal for modern femininity. ââ¬Å"we have both reason to think my opinions not entirely unalterablyâ⬠. ââ¬Å"that I had not been so weak and vain and nonsensical as I knew I had!â⬠. This again illustrates her hypocrisy as she had teased Mr. Darcy at the start of the book for having ââ¬Ëvanity and prideââ¬â¢; here she admitted that she herself had been vain This quote also illustrates her devotion to ââ¬Ëa most beloved sisterââ¬â¢, Jane
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Chinese Modernist fiction Essay
Chinese Modernist fiction is very complicated in terms of imagery and literary expression used by the author, as well as in terms of dual or multiple meanings of the works, but in general they express the mood of the epoch. Muââ¬â¢s stories are to great extent experimental and vary between purely proletarian fiction and ââ¬Ëdialectââ¬â¢ writings that express really deep thoughts through internal monologues and the use of dialogue as a tool of changing the charactersââ¬â¢ self-perception or their impressions about their environment (MacDonald, 2004). Mu Shiyingââ¬â¢s prose is often called ââ¬Å"New Sensationistâ⬠(Xin ganjuepai) style of writing short stories whose plot often develops rapidly, whereas the picture the author has drawn at first remains unchengeable(MacDonald, 2004). ââ¬Å"The name ââ¬Å"New Sensationistâ⬠was derived from the Shinkankahu ha, a group of Japanese avant-garde writers from the 1920s and 1930s. However, the evidence is against the actual existence of a group of writers who called themselves ââ¬Å"New Sensationistâ⬠in Chinaâ⬠(MacDonald, 2004, p. 797). Nevertheless, Muââ¬â¢s short story entitled ââ¬Å"Five in a Nightclubâ⬠gives a number of sensational experiences, which this essay is designed to discuss. The first scene of the short story describes the intrinsic human need for material resources, the main drive of the business world: ââ¬Å"Men with blood-shot eyes milled about the gold exchange. [â⬠¦] The speculators devolved into brutes. The wind blew the reason from their minds and the steel from their nervesâ⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 5), so that the first perception of Shanghai refers to the psychological tension between the people, who have suffered a lot from the adversities, brought about by life. The first episode represents the pace of Shanghai life: a person can lose their fortune or become rich in one moment, so the description of instability and nervousness refers to the lack of control over the situation, as if the participants were obedient marionettes in the hands of the powerful and malicious force. The second scene, depicting a young man, scornfully rejected by the girl he loves, also refers to the whims of fortune and more precisely ââ¬âexplains the sensation of hope; this feeling appears hovering or hanging over the place where Zheng Ping is waiting for his darling. The words he sent to the girl yesterday are, as he realizes, written to describe his todayââ¬â¢s situation: ââ¬Å"Stranger, O stranger! / Yesterday I was your slave. Today you say Iââ¬â¢m a strangerâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Shiying, 1992, p. 6). Importantly, there is a notable contrast between the first paragraphs, in which the author describes the characterââ¬â¢s romantic thought, his illusionary closeness to the object of his strong feeling, and his disappointment and sorrow at the end, when ââ¬Å"Zheng Pingââ¬â¢s hair turned whiteâ⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 7). Fragments rapidly change one another. The short passage about a young woman, who has lost her beauty over the recent years, points to the perception of human body as machine that can be used: ââ¬Å"Youth A ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Isnââ¬â¢t it Daisy Huang? She was the toast of the town five years ago! â⬠Youth B ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Amen. She was quite a dish! â⬠â⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 8). Accordingly, human beings do not belong completely to themselves, as they should always try hard to meet the requirements, imposed by society, especially those related to appearance and beauty. Ji Jie, the character, described in the next episode, is also lost in his self-identity and self-perception, so that he even fails to comprehend his real nature and the sense of his being in this world. Another character, battered cruelly by life, is Miao Zongdan, a clerk, who has been working hard for his career development and who receives a letter of dismissal. This episode is very similar to the first one, in which the sudden turning-point can ultimately change the individualââ¬â¢s life, destroy their desires, aspirations, ambitions ââ¬â just like a high wave of tsunami that covers the personââ¬â¢s life. The first chapter of the short story therefore provides an overview of the psychological lives of certain dwellers of Shanghai, whereas the other people, surrounding them, remain indifferent, so that the average inhabitant of Shanghai is a ââ¬Ësmall personââ¬â¢, incapable of managing their fate. On the other hand, they should cope with their problems without any support from outside. The second chapter narrates about a typical Saturday night in Shanghai, or the bright underground life, heated by neon, alcohol and cigarettes: ââ¬Å"Red streets, green streets, blue streets, purple streetsâ⬠¦ City clad in strong colours! Dancing neon light ââ¬â multi-coloured waves, scintillating waves, colourless waves ââ¬â a sky filled with colour. The sky now had everything: wine, cigarettes, high-heels, clock-towersâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Shiying, 1992, p. 10). Human mores become increasingly more relaxed at this time, and people are about to do unusual things, as such conducts are not likely to happen in the daylight. In the third chapter, Shanghai is described in merely two colors: black and white, that symbolize purity and dust, but flow together into a single glamour of the night club. In addition, one can note a mixture of different cultures in nightclub settings: the club itself is designed in European style, as the idea of night amusements in such settings derives from this continent, whereas the customers are Chinese; and the dancers who entertain the visitors are ââ¬Å"Russian princessesâ⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 11). This pre-arranged chaos influences the characters almost magically: their dreams seem to come true. The idea of saving night resembles the fairy tale theme: at daytime, the characters remain ugly beasts, whereas at night they turn into young and attractive princes and princesses, who become rich and are as a result surrounded by their admirers. In this sense, night is remedy against all daily troubles, as they all are resolved or fixed very quickly and naturally, as if the natural force that throws the characters into the depth of adversity and misfortune calms down at night ââ¬â this magic conversion can be compared to black and white colors, which seem to be the major imagery in this place: ââ¬Å"By the white tablecloths sit men dressed in formal evening attire: layers of black and white: black hair, white faces, black eyes, white collars, black ties, white starched shirts, black jackets, white waistcoats, black pantsâ⬠¦black and whiteâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Shiying, 1992, p. 10). The author seems to recognize only extremes, rather than the ââ¬Å"golden middleâ⬠that balances the positive and negative forces and protects human psyche from excessively strong feelings and emotions. The city, in turn, also experiences a kind of transformation: whereas at daytime it looks like a huge technocratic monster that has only concrete and asphalt inside and is inhabited by people, who hurt each other with their apathy and indifference; at night it alters into a real paradise, filled with the radiance of happiness, kindness and friendliness. Noticeably, the characters in the night club interact with one another very dynamically and seem united by this atmosphere of common joy and relaxation. Nevertheless, this illusion of amusement seems unrealistic after the events, which took place in the afternoon; in spite of the miraculous healing of all human hardships, it contains the after-pains, which give the idea of the possible return of all daily problems once this wonderful night comes to its logical end. The depiction of the common excitement only reinforces the readerââ¬â¢s expectation of the future negative events, which will take place in the following morning or afternoon and shatter this positive emotional atmosphere. As for the characters in the nightclub settings, they are described as fragments, successfully integrated in an entity, as all of them manifest their self-confidence in almost the same way. For instance, Daisy re-gains her youth and beauty, so that nobody recognizes her, except her companion, Junyi, a gold baron: ââ¬Å"â⬠Iââ¬â¢ve never been more sane in my life! â⬠said Daisy, who had regained her composure. Suddenly she laughed again: ââ¬Å"I will always be young. Oh, Junyi, letââ¬â¢s make a real night of it! â⬠Daisy pulled Hu Junyi out onto the dance floorâ⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 12). Later, Zheng Ping enters the club, looking drunk and happy because this time he has another girlfriend and therefore seems protected from the negative remembrances, which can be caused by Ninaââ¬â¢s presence. Similarly to Daisyââ¬â¢s case, Zheng experiences a very short loss of nerves, but finally retakes self-control and focuses on his new girlfriend. Although Miaoââ¬â¢s problem is not solved yet, he also joins the party and soon becomes drunk and happy. Whereas at first, Daisy and Huââ¬â¢s joy seems natural, later the company is gradually falling into absolutely inhuman and unexplainable ecstasy that can be caused only by the overuse of spirits: ââ¬Å"Everyone laughed with her ââ¬â open mouths, open mouths, open mouthâ⬠¦ gaping holes that with every passing moment seemed less humanâ⬠((Shiying, 1992, p. 14). The characters have already joined to the nightclub atmosphere, primarily ââ¬â because all of them have come with partners, so that they are no loner lonely and miserable. Ji Jie, despite the demonstrative happiness of the other four persons, is slowly sinking in the marsh of his own thoughts, in his hard mental work. Nevertheless, he is no longer depressed, as his visit to the club will probably allows him to find his identity and understand himself better. Moreover, he is described by the customers as a happy person: ââ¬Å"Customer D ââ¬â ââ¬Å"He who has nothing to do after dinner and who can come here to break matchsticks is a happy manâ⬠. Customer C ââ¬â ââ¬Å" Even the drunkard with him is happy! Heââ¬â¢s the guy who spilled the drink after badging in here. A while ago he was picking fights, now heââ¬â¢s telling jokes! â⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 18). Towards the end of the night the delight of the five characters begins to disappear, and the sensation of this night never seems to come again, as the problems, experienced by the five persons at daytime, are becoming more real. The sixth character, Jonny, later gets to know that her wife and newborn son are dead, but he is not allowed to leave the work and must continue entertaining the visitors with his music. The five personalities, who seemed cheerful to craze in the evening, are now described as ââ¬Å"popped balloonsâ⬠(Shiying, 1992, p. 20). All the characters later reconcile themselves to the fact that they are losers in this life, only Hu Junyi kills himself. His death is a milestone, after which the other characters open their true faces and confess to their tiredness of living. The night was nothing more than an attempt to repair the shattered lives, whose pieces turned out so small that it was impossible to paste them together. To sum up, the new perception of Shanghai is presented as never-ending rolling down, a journey through the severe daily reality and exaggeratedly euphoric night parties, which, however, quicken human degradation. Whiteness and blackness are never to mix together in Shanghai, so that its dwellers are fated to swinging between the two extremes, which are pain and delight. Either sooner, or later, the life of this small person will be shattered by the large city, as the short story narrates. Works cited MacDonald, S. The Shanghai Foxtrot by: Introduction. Modernism/modernity, Vol. 11 (4): pp. 797-807 Shiying, Mu. Five in a Nightclub, Renditions Spring 1992, pp. 5-22.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Journey of the Magi Essays
Journey of the Magi Essays Journey of the Magi Essay Journey of the Magi Essay Literary Criticism of ââ¬ËJourney of the Magiââ¬â¢ The ââ¬ËJourney of the Magiââ¬â¢ is a poem written by T. S. Eliot in 1927. The inspiration for this poem is adapted from the story of the Three Magi who traveled from far away to pay homage to birth of Christ under the guidance of a star. The theme revolves around their search of faith narrated in the point of view of the Magi. The poem has no set rhyme or meter and is constructed in free verse. Unsatisfied and regretful with the times that they have wasted on worldly pleasures of ââ¬Å"the summer palace on slopes, the terraces, and the silken girls bringing sherbetâ⬠that they enjoyed, the Magi left their lives of material comforts in order to pursue a quest for spiritual enlightment. Alliteration is used to produce a smooth flowing effect for the readers to feel the attributed sense of this comfort. Throughout the first stanza of the poem, the Magi describe the initial journey to be arduous as they have to face ââ¬Å"the ways deep and the weather sharpâ⬠in ââ¬Å"the very dead of winterâ⬠(lines 4 and 5). The depiction of this season that is often featured in many works of literature is used as a metaphor to represent death, the loss of hope and adverse times. Comparably, the imagery of the seasonââ¬â¢s characteristic bitter coldness featured in the poem embodies the sense of hardship that the Magi have to undertake to reach their destination. In the sixth and seventh lines, the ââ¬Å"galled, sore-footed, refractoryâ⬠state of the camels, too tired that they are ââ¬Å"lying down in the melting snowâ⬠further reinforces the image that travel during this ââ¬Å"worst time of the yearâ⬠can be exhausting. The setting of the poem in winter may also allude to the time of the year when Jesus was born. However, it isnââ¬â¢t just the weather that is making the journey difficult. As the Magi strive through their journey, they encountered a lot of corruption in places where they passed by. From lines 12 to 16, the Magi narrate the dearth and poverty of the settlements they visited, and the depravity and the immorality of their inhabitants. Anaphora of the word ââ¬Ëandââ¬â¢ is used at the start of each of these lines. Not only that it gives the description a cohesive flow by the repetition of the same starting word, the use of this technique is effective in building up the sense of burden that the Magi have to endure during their contact with those places. Moreover, they have to contend with the ââ¬Å"voicesâ⬠echoing in their ears ââ¬Å"saying that this was all follyâ⬠(lines 19 and 20). These are the voices that come from their own desires, tempting them to abandon their journey and revert back to debauchery. In the second stanza, the setting shifts from an initial journey traveling through harsh conditions to arriving at a more pleasant environment as they ââ¬Å"came down to a temperate valleyâ⬠. Their arrival at dawn is metaphor symbolizing the start of new beginnings for the Magi. They have reached to a place where they no longer have to suffer the bitterness of the icy terrains that they have traversed, and this signifies that they have finally overcome their adversities and possibly, the penance that they had to pay to recompense for their past sins. The water mill ââ¬Å"beating the darknessâ⬠depicts the dispelling of darkness from the ââ¬Å"running streamsâ⬠, which implicates the timeless flow of that happening. Out of the numerous symbolist elements that comprise of this poem, the ââ¬Å"three trees on the low skyâ⬠in line 24 is one of the most significant that it alludes to the three crosses of the Crucifixion and implies that the heavens have been lowered closer to earth to receive Christ who was killed on one of them. The symbolism of the ââ¬Å"old white horseâ⬠that ââ¬Å"galloped away into the meadowâ⬠might represent something that waned in the advent of Christianity (possibly paganism). The symbolism in line 27 ââ¬Å"six hands at an open door dicing for pieces of silverâ⬠denotes to Judas, one of his disciples who betrayed Jesus for money. The final two lines of the stanza, ââ¬Å"And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon, finding the place; it was (you may say) satisfactoryâ⬠expresses the Magiââ¬â¢s reflection that they have on the change in faith as an understatement, probably realizing that God has already preordained them all along to turn to His path one day. The last stanza describes the Magiââ¬â¢s reflection on the enlightment that they have attained, but seem to be confused in trying to see the significance of the event. Their doubts are manifested in lines 33-38 ââ¬Å"but set down, this set down, this: were we led all that way for birth or death? There was a birth, certainly, we had evidence and no doubt. I had seen birth and death, but had thought they were differentâ⬠. The repetition of the words ââ¬Ëset downââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëbirthââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdeathââ¬â¢ in these lines indicates they are baffled and emphasizes the feelings of hesitations that are ruminating in their thoughts. Furthermore, the paradox in lines 28-39 ââ¬Å"this birth was hard and bitter agony for us, like death, our deathâ⬠describes the psychological change the Magi underwent from their conversion, expressing that the decision to renew and embrace a new faith is just as than renouncing their old ones. The final four lines of the poem concludes that they are ââ¬Å" no longer at easeâ⬠ââ¬Å"with an alien people clutching their godsâ⬠, conveying that the Magi no longer fit in with the ââ¬Å"old dispensationâ⬠of their own people when they finally return from their journey. The last line of the poem, ââ¬Å"I should be glad of another deathâ⬠expresses their understanding that they have to leave this world in order to be reborn in their new faith again Although its exact meaning remains vague, a likely interpretation of this poem might account of Eliotââ¬â¢s journey on his conversion to Christianity. It is also possible to speculate that this poem accounts a description of his own real-life journey in his quest for faith. The reflection of Eliotââ¬â¢s spiritual journey is described figuratively in physical aspects to evoke a more tangible perspective to the reader on how the journey was like for Eliot to achieve spiritual enlightment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Gifts of a Car Accident
The Gifts of a Car Accident Ignoring Messages A couple of weeks ago, three friends asked me for life coaching one after the other. It was an unusual string of requests, coming years after I completed my life coach training; and it made me think that maybe I should consider taking on a couple of life coaching clients to insert variety and heart-centered work into my business. I coached the friends who asked; the coaching gave them clarity and inspiration. I was left energized and clear that I was making a contribution not only to them, but to the many people that they touch. I was in my element. Yet I didnââ¬â¢t take any further action. Wake-Up Call If you read my newsletter last week, you know that I was in a car accident on April 28. I was traveling home from a weekend about Purposeful Living and Spiritual Development ââ¬â part of a year-long training where I get to immerse myself in the world of coaching and transformation. Driving on I90 from Chicago to Madison, I must have missed a signal that my lane was going to end. To avoid hitting a car to my right, I braked (hard I imagine), spun around and crashed into the dividing wall of the highway at a speed unknown to me. I did not hit any other cars. It was all very movie-like, with the EMTs coming and taking me out of the car onto a stretcher. Fortunately, the only casualties were a couple of my ribs (broken through) and a totaled car. I was able to go home that night from the hospital. It is clear to me that things could have been much much worse. Ever since, I have been reflecting deeply on the gifts of the ââ¬Å"accident.â⬠First, noticing how blessed I am to have emerged with relatively minor injuries. Second, acknowledging the difference I make for others. And third, tapping into the gift of ribs: creation/creativity (Adamââ¬â¢s rib) and expansion (breath). My broken ribs, the casualties of a moment of inattention, indicate to me that I have not been truly listening to some messages calling me to expand in new and creative ways. New Action, New Creation Remember all those messages coming to me about doing life coaching? Itââ¬â¢s time to pay attention. I am a highly trained coach. I have gone through 5 weekends of training with the Coaches Training Institute and assisted at all of those weekends as well. Iââ¬â¢ve participated in courses with Landmark Education for 7 years, including The Landmark Forum, The Advanced Course, The Self-Expression and Leadership Program, the Introduction Leaders Program, and multiple seminar series. I have started a business and participated in business coaching for the past two years, and I write resumes for top level executives. I have spent my last 7 years preparing for this moment when I step up to the plate to do life coaching for real. The accident made that very clear, and I am grateful. I was also inspired to write some short couplets to a song/rap structure provided during my Purposeful Living weekend. Iââ¬â¢ve copied them here and hope they inspire you to live into your creativity too! Note: ââ¬Å"CHOOSE itâ⬠means choose between living powerfully and being a victim. ââ¬Å"SHARE itâ⬠means share with as many people as possible! When a universal call Sends you crashing through a wall, â⬠¦then you gotta CHOOSE itâ⬠¦ â⬠¦then you gotta CHOOSE itâ⬠¦ When youre feeling pain and fright That keep you up at night, â⬠¦then you gotta CHOOSE itâ⬠¦ â⬠¦then you gotta CHOOSE itâ⬠¦ When youre at a loss for words, Take a listen to the birds. â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ When the morning comes about, Just breathe in and then breathe out. â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ You dont know what you dont know. So create, expand and grow! â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ â⬠¦then you gotta SHARE itâ⬠¦ What couplets might you write to this song? What signals in your life have you been noticing and then ignoring? Are there actions for you to take? Please share in the comments. And of course if youââ¬â¢re seeking a life coach, please contact me. Short-term or long-term clients are welcome. Iââ¬â¢m ready.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Abolition Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Abolition Movement - Essay Example The start of the American Abolitionist Movement happened in 1831 when William Lloyd Garrison began circulating the abolitionist newspaper Liberator, which promoted the instant abolition of slavery, and the full equal rights for all African-Americans (Ottawa Citizen, 2006). After sometime, the American Abolitionist Movement disintegrated into different factions because the members and the leaders within the movement had different outlooks on the best way or best means on how to achieve their main goal. Garrison and his followers continued to uphold the abolition of slavery via moral persuasion emphasizing that slavery is not proper and immediate release of all slaves must be done (emancipation). Such methods gained support from the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian anti-slavery movements; and in the legislative reforms of the government (Ottawa Citizen, 2006). However, the other more fanatic factions of the movement perceived that violence was the only way to accomplish the instant abolition of slavery (Ottawa Citizen, 2006); but the steps taken to implement such tactics failed. It is the same for The American Colonization Society and the UNIA by Marcus Garvey, from 1820 ââ¬â 1830, who simultaneously suggested that returning to Africa was a better option than emancipation because black people will have a hard time establishing their rights in the United States.
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